Improve your ranking by not only focusing on Amazon's strategy but by harnessing external traffic beyond the Amazon marketplace.
Expand Your Emphasis
Amazon's algorithm governs how products are served in search results. From our perspective, unit sales velocity seems to be the largest factor. But in order to increase that velocity, you have to pull all the levers – like creating a great listing that converts, earns reviews, elevates your account standing, succeeds in Amazon advertising, and more. The one factor that often gets overlooked: the external traffic from other sources INTO AMAZON.
Components: Seller authority, sales history & velocity, conversion rate, internal sales & traffic, external sales & traffic, conversion rate, advertising sales, organic sales, content, and reviews
Boost Your Benefits
It's often hard for brands to consider leveraging their external marketing just to send traffic to Amazon, but we’ve seen it make a significant impact on a brand's visibility, discoverability, and sales. When a new product launches, this external traffic is extremely beneficial. It allows you to boost a listing's sales and traffic without relying 100% on pricey Amazon PPC ads. Sometimes just an email blast or short-term Facebook ad campaign is enough to boost traffic on your Amazon page and reap the benefits. Other times, you might have a product that performs better on Amazon than your own direct-to-consumer site. This is a great way to funnel all that traffic to your Amazon detail page right from your own website.
Track Your Results
External traffic used to be difficult to track and measure. But now you can use customized attribution links to track the click-throughs, add to carts, and conversions from all your external to Amazon campaigns. Additionally, you can easily enroll in Amazon's Brand Referral Bonus and receive a kickback on any sales that convert from those attribution links.
We know brands that pull all the levers related to the Amazon Algorithm reap the greatest rewards. We’ve seen brands run Facebook campaigns into Amazon for just one month and reach category rankings they had never seen before. Ads run during specific seasonal times of the year can earn the rank on those “gifting” related keywords without having to spend tons of PPC money just to shoot for that ranking. Amazon measures your external traffic, so if you invest effort into boosting it using these tips, the algorithm will reward you.